Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Marines PFT - AGAIN

Yes, this is the second time in the last two weeks that I did the Marines PFT. I don't know why they want me to do it so much, but I have a suspicion that I'm "old", "fat", and have kids. (I need an age, weight, and dependent waiver if I want to join).

At any rate, I did it again:

20 dead-hang pull-ups
100 crunches (2 minute time limit)
3 mile run - for time

I PR'd on my run by over a full minute - and have the blisters to prove it!

It doesn't show well, but there are actually "layers" of blisters. The two red spots are the deepest of the blisters, but there were about 7 blisters in that area - many of which were spread throughout 3 layers of skin.

I REALLY hope it heals by Saturday.

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